Fortresses, Towers and Castles
Montecopiolo's Castle
The Castrum Montis Cupioli, as emerged from the archaeological investigation, was founded in the 10th century probably by the will of the bishop. From this center, in the 12th century, the dynasty of the Counts of Montefeltro (later Dukes of Urbino), lords of the homonymous territory, began. The residence of the counts made Monte Copiolo the main power center of medieval Montefeltro, the founding nucleus of their territorial lordship and, over the centuries, one of the main strongholds of the Duchy of Urbino. The chronological curve of the settlement stops with the extinction of the dukes, in 1631, when the center slowly began to depopulate due to the descent downstream of the population which, in the full seventeenth century, still had 700 "souls". the presence of large 10th-12th century quarries dug into the limestone of the San Marino formation at the same time as the construction of the castle and for some "morpho sculptures" created by atmospheric agents, constitutes an archeo-geo site of European significance. The site is being excavated and can be visited at the same time thanks to safe routes.
Credits: Wikipedia
Nearby places
Montecopiolo Villagrande

The Municipality of Montecopiolo is surrounded by peaks that slope down to the sea. In ancient times it was home to a beautiful castle of which there are evident traces currently being recovered and enhanced. Precisely from this castle originated, in the thirteenth century, the Counts of Montefeltro, who later became the Dukes of Urbino. (read more)

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