Morciano di Romagna
Belongs to
Valley of Conca
It has a modern and dynamic look and is the birthplace of such illustrious figures as Umberto Boccioni and the sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro.
The little town boasts ancient origins, but has developed mainly over the last 100-150 years, becoming the largest trade and services centre in the valley. The town’s importance as a trading centre – partly determined by its favourable position right at the foot of the hills and at the crossing place of the numerous roads leading down to the plain – is evident from the fact that one of the most important fairs in the whole of Romagna has been held here for centuries.
The present structure of the town – wide streets laid out in a grid – dates mainly from the early 20th century, and some of the buildings have a vague Art Nouveau atmosphere.
The town markets are always crowded and colourful.
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